(This page is continually updated)
– 16.1.2021 – A person who reveres politeness is inevitably unwise.
– 2.2.2021 – In the [first] “Thoughts” post I related to Pope Francis regarding some things he said. – Further than that: - If he, - generally sitting at the centre of religion today (– however degenerated) is unable to see any of the blindness and of the worthlessness in relating everywhere to the “LHTB” phenomenon and community as we can hear it, - and further take part in this wrong stream rooted in ignorance, - than it is truly the harshest type of phenomenon in itself – inevitably revealing the depth of trouble human minds are in in this weirdest unreasonable time.
– Thoughts are like ocean waves, or like waves arising in water anyway, - eventually they disappear. – They might come up however high, or not, - and then later they return to the surface. There are no remains. All forms are like this by nature. – It may be unclear what it is that makes them come up in the first place, - but they cannot maintain themselves, - they are an anomaly, - an abnormality – in the first place. Though some results of actions and of phenomena, - namely being or becoming “enlightened”, - do last. It could not seem otherwise. – Would it mean that the reality is imperfect in the first place? – It may be that not being “perfect” does not mean being its contrary or opposite but transcendence of the concept.
– 3.2.2021 – There are science fiction movies or books about a world where knowledge has degenerated and advanced scientific achievements completely lost and no longer understood. – (I don’t watch or read that shit but I recall such things) Where people live among remains of a culture they are no longer able to understand. The state of religions today is not necessarily so distant from such a thing. (Though parables don’t naturally hit exactly always, - it’s not necessarily a one to one match, - though still it does bear an essential resemblance, which is the point here)
– 4.2.2021 – Typically, - intellectuals are of course of low observation of a human character. – Not entirely, of course, - but lacking (in many cases) depth of mind or of character they would naturally not be able to appropriately appreciate corresponding virtues or faults in others. (One amazing fact is that in some cases an intellectual reading this might consider his abilities in intellectual fields as proving it is untrue that he does not possess depth of mind as said above)
– Donald Trump chose Mike Pence as his second. Had he not I don’t know if he would have won the elections, - Pence’s normal and reasonable appearance and character seemed to somewhat balance out what Trump is when his competition with Hilary Clinton was quite close. – But suppose he would have chosen someone more like himself instead of Pence: - What would have happened on January 6th? – Suppose this person would have acted as Trump would have wanted. – Where would have these last elections led us? Thinking of it in this way things may have been terribly close. – No doubt it would have been a thing to remember.
– Many people would find this statement very strange, - but a wise person does not chew chewing gum.
– 5-6.2.2021 – It seems to me after all of creation is gone the only thing that is left is experience.
– In order to become noble we need to release the heart.
– Some time ago in universities and colleges various schools were popular and various subjects were studied. – Today everyone (in a manner of speaking) seek the law or economics. (Or business management) It is just these two subsequent professions ruining our world, - lawyers and businessmen. – Both promote egoism and legitimize selfishness. – In court an attorneys judges his success in accord with his client’s interest, - and in the business world all is viewed as a tool for making profit. – Moral considerations would be related to up to the point where they do not accord with the existing standards as taught in the relevant institutions.
– Vocabulary would be used in a professional typical manner ignoring normal human view of things while practically reflecting modern corruption well camouflaged. – All looks well on the outside while in reality the most unreasonable standards may be set. Those arriving at the relevant places are normally materialistic by nature so they find it easy to follow the stream in a blind manner.
– – The situation where the standards of society are set by individuals of relatively high intelligence and possibly poor consciousness in a complex and artificial manner makes it considerably difficult for the great masses to criticise the degraded situation.
– The dryness of the concepts and the apparent legitimacy of the atmosphere well camouflage the manner in which the worst ideals (with the exception of those such as of the Nazis) could be promoted and worked out.
– 8.2.2021 – Regarding what I said in this post, - a human body, - a corpse, - is manifesting the nature of this world, as a physical plain. – The body, the physical body, - after the other elements of the human being have departed from it, on death that is, - shows what the natural tendencies of it are. – Growth, life, - depend on other elements exceeding the physical plain, - contributing to the running and conduct of our biological systems. – In the absence of these, - after death that is, - we can see – as I said, - what is the actual nature – so to speak, - of this physical world. Without external influences no appearance of life as we know it would have been possible and no development (of species) would occur.
– It would have been, in the kind of eyes we are looking by, - a completely dead world. As indicated in the post, - the theory of “natural selection” is at the bottom line not much more than utter bullshit. - Nothing beyond, - fundamentally.
– 9.2.2021 – It seems all of creation is like a wave which rises and then disappears. – All worlds, - the physical world and others above it, - by nature are bound to return to where they came out of. – It seems to explain entropy. But obviously the time relevant is beyond measure. Our days are immense and unbelievably small, - like dust at the most, - it seems to relate to a period one might not even try to estimate.
– 11.2.2021 – There are laws forbidding Holocaust denial. It makes me think of the situation in which the Jewish people were not allowed – by religious law, - to read the New Testament. – Even today in Israel the educational system teaches you practically nothing about Christianity. Not that anybody is that interested generally.
– – I don’t know exactly in which states such laws hold. I know about Israel and Germany. – The more-or-less immediate thought about it is that in some future some might claim that throughout the years their stance and view have not been heard and were not examined due to the prohibition existing which might – in contrast to the intention of the law makers, - result in more people treating the idea more seriously.
– 12.2.2021 – I have written about this before, - (1, - 2) but it is truly amazing that people are able to believe there is no fault with the “LGTB” phenomenon and be so certain about it as if they were relating to real scientific findings objectively correct. – It is practically unbelievable the world could decay to such a remote sphere away from the truth. Intellectuals and the like are so certain of their enlightenedness supposedly manifested in this retarded belief this phenomenon is so harsh nothing almost seems to match it.
– It seems the greatest expertise of the legal system is hiding the evil and corrupted spirit which might sometimes prevail within it behind the suits and ties of lawyers standing before the court and editing complex and tidy documents in their rented offices.
– For one who actually understands what spiritual development is it is not possible not to aspire for it.
– 20.2.2021 – This is actually a thing Uchiyama Roshi says but I think it’s worth repeating: - Before sex desire arises in a child he is generally inevitably unable to understand what it’s all about. – In the same manner without any development of the spirit one cannot fundamentally understand what it is all about.
– – Some people’s mind is very rough, - their ability of understanding is of course in accord. – But the mind of materialistic individuals – even occasionally very intelligent, - is somewhat close to that in attempting to get what has to do with the spirit. While they might mock at the very idea that there is a necessity for a different ability than the intelligence they are familiar with.
– Both examples are similar. While trying to refer to something one has no idea about, generally, - and also no mental abilities needed for grasping the thing as it is, - as in the first and the last examples, - (the children and the sex desire, and the intellectuals and the spiritual understanding) that is one cannot relate to an earlier experience similar in nature in order to bring up some reasonable case by which to judge the reasonability of things presented, - it may be practically very difficult to explain or bring things to such a person. In “Zen” things rely on sitting, - if one believes he should sit (Zazen) with time he might come to get things. Some do and some don’t, - which seems to rely mainly on their seriousness. But elsewhere – at least, - faith in one’s teacher is important, - since things said might at first not sound reasonable, - while the secular and the general public off the way would consider them inferior and unworthy rather than superior to their own abilities. – There is a harsh kernel at the bottom of people’s hearts – as it seems, - which at first keeps away whatever is considerably different from what they have been taught possibly at young age. – In the past, when religion has been popular, - it worked one way, - now – with equal mechanism as a general rule, - it apparently works the other.
– 22.2.2021 – The extent to which this world is making fools of us seems to be practically just as much as possible.
– 26.2.2021 – The more wonderful or wondrous or heartbreaking or thrilling a thing seems to us, - or attractive or exciting or deeply moving, - the more saddening may be the situation reflecting our stupidity and deep ignorance being thrilled within delusion by meaningless things on the path to self knowledge.
– 28.2.2021 – It seems believing our lives here on Earth are real is one of the most stupid things possible.
– 6.3.2021 – A perfect mirror does not display any brilliance.
– 1.1.2022 – That which is known as “feminism” seems to prove to what extent this world is a men’s world, - women are accordingly judging themselves practically by masculine measures. Equality is viewed as relating to the Yang – manly – features, while meanwhile rather thoughtlessly the Yin – womanly – aspects are not generally viewed as anything to be aspired or sought after. Even relating to features of women being sexually attractive is what is emphasized even to a poisonous measure rather than any other trait of a less conspicuous nature. Wisdom has been absent from contemporary thought as a thing of course as a routine already, - plus standards of society change through norms fitting an action movie designed to make the maximum profit off the masses of suckers who will watch it, - and so the shallowness of intellectuals lives side by side with the simple mindedness of modern men in many cases, - while the utmost superficiality may be viewed as advanced thinking and consideration and life in a poster satisfies the aspirations of those who will accept rules becoming common arising from nowhere.
– 31.1.2022 – Uchiyama Roshi says enlightenment is impossible. He says it cannot take place and yet it does. – It seems to me the other way around. The only possible state is that of the reality. Our state here – as it appears, - is impossible. – Uchiyama Roshi says [though] delusion is delusion, - the fact it exists as delusion is a fact. – It seems to me even its existence as such is impossible – it doesn’t make any sense. – Perhaps this is why Master Gensa (Xuansha Shibei) says “Bodhidharma did not come to the Eastern Lands; the Second Patriarch did not go to the Western Heavens”. (Shobogenzo Ikka-no-myoju, Shobogenzo Gyoji, Shobogenzo Hensan) In the same way I am not writing this. – Wtf.
– 12.3.2022 – There is a state beyond happiness where you are ultimately light and your functioning is smooth and faultless.
– 3.3.2023 – Had general ideas we know of today of relativity theory or quantum theory been presented to physicists in earlier time when physics in general was limited to Newtonian ideas, such ideas in general would have gained no serious attention. – The situation relating to spiritual facts known to some engaged in the field, today, - is similar.
– 20-22.10.2024 – It seems the initial sign of the birth of wisdom in an individual is the ability to experience an artistic experience. - One can not be wise while being altogether devoid of this. - It is not possible for wisdom to appear without any sprouting of being able to notice real existence of an artistic essence beyond the superficial aesthetic level which does not require fundamentally any meaningful personality. It is not that one has to be of the most serious understanding of art and meaningful expression or anything close to it but some natural notion would inevitably predict or herald the possibility of acquiring depth and true ability of observing thing unlike the shallow and rough eyes of an immature person of insignificant connection with things.
– 20.1.2025 – The blindness of the heart in a certain sense is much worse than the blindness of the eyes.
– 25.1.2025 – Morality and sincerity can only live in accord relating to the truth that everything is one. – Unaware of the fact, one may not be able to justify morality, and theories propagating selfishness might appear to be more reasonable. – Also, one’s morality itself may lack sincerity, and however one may wish to take the side of what he or she would practically view as “good”, - still the foundation of one’s mentality will not be bearing sufficient clarity. – The root of things will remain unclear and subsequent growth will not naturally follow, even if either way obviously not at all with any great speed.
– 17.2.2025 – The truth is forever below you, behind you, - never above you or in front of you. – Before your eyes there is only delusion. – Above are its heights. You are here. This place does not exist either because you made up space itself. There is nothing behind you but nothing in front of you either, - the only way seems to be of letting go.
– 2.2.2021 – In the [first] “Thoughts” post I related to Pope Francis regarding some things he said. – Further than that: - If he, - generally sitting at the centre of religion today (– however degenerated) is unable to see any of the blindness and of the worthlessness in relating everywhere to the “LHTB” phenomenon and community as we can hear it, - and further take part in this wrong stream rooted in ignorance, - than it is truly the harshest type of phenomenon in itself – inevitably revealing the depth of trouble human minds are in in this weirdest unreasonable time.
– Thoughts are like ocean waves, or like waves arising in water anyway, - eventually they disappear. – They might come up however high, or not, - and then later they return to the surface. There are no remains. All forms are like this by nature. – It may be unclear what it is that makes them come up in the first place, - but they cannot maintain themselves, - they are an anomaly, - an abnormality – in the first place. Though some results of actions and of phenomena, - namely being or becoming “enlightened”, - do last. It could not seem otherwise. – Would it mean that the reality is imperfect in the first place? – It may be that not being “perfect” does not mean being its contrary or opposite but transcendence of the concept.
– 3.2.2021 – There are science fiction movies or books about a world where knowledge has degenerated and advanced scientific achievements completely lost and no longer understood. – (I don’t watch or read that shit but I recall such things) Where people live among remains of a culture they are no longer able to understand. The state of religions today is not necessarily so distant from such a thing. (Though parables don’t naturally hit exactly always, - it’s not necessarily a one to one match, - though still it does bear an essential resemblance, which is the point here)
– 4.2.2021 – Typically, - intellectuals are of course of low observation of a human character. – Not entirely, of course, - but lacking (in many cases) depth of mind or of character they would naturally not be able to appropriately appreciate corresponding virtues or faults in others. (One amazing fact is that in some cases an intellectual reading this might consider his abilities in intellectual fields as proving it is untrue that he does not possess depth of mind as said above)
– Donald Trump chose Mike Pence as his second. Had he not I don’t know if he would have won the elections, - Pence’s normal and reasonable appearance and character seemed to somewhat balance out what Trump is when his competition with Hilary Clinton was quite close. – But suppose he would have chosen someone more like himself instead of Pence: - What would have happened on January 6th? – Suppose this person would have acted as Trump would have wanted. – Where would have these last elections led us? Thinking of it in this way things may have been terribly close. – No doubt it would have been a thing to remember.
– Many people would find this statement very strange, - but a wise person does not chew chewing gum.
– 5-6.2.2021 – It seems to me after all of creation is gone the only thing that is left is experience.
– In order to become noble we need to release the heart.
– Some time ago in universities and colleges various schools were popular and various subjects were studied. – Today everyone (in a manner of speaking) seek the law or economics. (Or business management) It is just these two subsequent professions ruining our world, - lawyers and businessmen. – Both promote egoism and legitimize selfishness. – In court an attorneys judges his success in accord with his client’s interest, - and in the business world all is viewed as a tool for making profit. – Moral considerations would be related to up to the point where they do not accord with the existing standards as taught in the relevant institutions.
– Vocabulary would be used in a professional typical manner ignoring normal human view of things while practically reflecting modern corruption well camouflaged. – All looks well on the outside while in reality the most unreasonable standards may be set. Those arriving at the relevant places are normally materialistic by nature so they find it easy to follow the stream in a blind manner.
– – The situation where the standards of society are set by individuals of relatively high intelligence and possibly poor consciousness in a complex and artificial manner makes it considerably difficult for the great masses to criticise the degraded situation.
– The dryness of the concepts and the apparent legitimacy of the atmosphere well camouflage the manner in which the worst ideals (with the exception of those such as of the Nazis) could be promoted and worked out.
– 8.2.2021 – Regarding what I said in this post, - a human body, - a corpse, - is manifesting the nature of this world, as a physical plain. – The body, the physical body, - after the other elements of the human being have departed from it, on death that is, - shows what the natural tendencies of it are. – Growth, life, - depend on other elements exceeding the physical plain, - contributing to the running and conduct of our biological systems. – In the absence of these, - after death that is, - we can see – as I said, - what is the actual nature – so to speak, - of this physical world. Without external influences no appearance of life as we know it would have been possible and no development (of species) would occur.
– It would have been, in the kind of eyes we are looking by, - a completely dead world. As indicated in the post, - the theory of “natural selection” is at the bottom line not much more than utter bullshit. - Nothing beyond, - fundamentally.
– 9.2.2021 – It seems all of creation is like a wave which rises and then disappears. – All worlds, - the physical world and others above it, - by nature are bound to return to where they came out of. – It seems to explain entropy. But obviously the time relevant is beyond measure. Our days are immense and unbelievably small, - like dust at the most, - it seems to relate to a period one might not even try to estimate.
– 11.2.2021 – There are laws forbidding Holocaust denial. It makes me think of the situation in which the Jewish people were not allowed – by religious law, - to read the New Testament. – Even today in Israel the educational system teaches you practically nothing about Christianity. Not that anybody is that interested generally.
– – I don’t know exactly in which states such laws hold. I know about Israel and Germany. – The more-or-less immediate thought about it is that in some future some might claim that throughout the years their stance and view have not been heard and were not examined due to the prohibition existing which might – in contrast to the intention of the law makers, - result in more people treating the idea more seriously.
– 12.2.2021 – I have written about this before, - (1, - 2) but it is truly amazing that people are able to believe there is no fault with the “LGTB” phenomenon and be so certain about it as if they were relating to real scientific findings objectively correct. – It is practically unbelievable the world could decay to such a remote sphere away from the truth. Intellectuals and the like are so certain of their enlightenedness supposedly manifested in this retarded belief this phenomenon is so harsh nothing almost seems to match it.
– It seems the greatest expertise of the legal system is hiding the evil and corrupted spirit which might sometimes prevail within it behind the suits and ties of lawyers standing before the court and editing complex and tidy documents in their rented offices.
– For one who actually understands what spiritual development is it is not possible not to aspire for it.
– 20.2.2021 – This is actually a thing Uchiyama Roshi says but I think it’s worth repeating: - Before sex desire arises in a child he is generally inevitably unable to understand what it’s all about. – In the same manner without any development of the spirit one cannot fundamentally understand what it is all about.
– – Some people’s mind is very rough, - their ability of understanding is of course in accord. – But the mind of materialistic individuals – even occasionally very intelligent, - is somewhat close to that in attempting to get what has to do with the spirit. While they might mock at the very idea that there is a necessity for a different ability than the intelligence they are familiar with.
– Both examples are similar. While trying to refer to something one has no idea about, generally, - and also no mental abilities needed for grasping the thing as it is, - as in the first and the last examples, - (the children and the sex desire, and the intellectuals and the spiritual understanding) that is one cannot relate to an earlier experience similar in nature in order to bring up some reasonable case by which to judge the reasonability of things presented, - it may be practically very difficult to explain or bring things to such a person. In “Zen” things rely on sitting, - if one believes he should sit (Zazen) with time he might come to get things. Some do and some don’t, - which seems to rely mainly on their seriousness. But elsewhere – at least, - faith in one’s teacher is important, - since things said might at first not sound reasonable, - while the secular and the general public off the way would consider them inferior and unworthy rather than superior to their own abilities. – There is a harsh kernel at the bottom of people’s hearts – as it seems, - which at first keeps away whatever is considerably different from what they have been taught possibly at young age. – In the past, when religion has been popular, - it worked one way, - now – with equal mechanism as a general rule, - it apparently works the other.
– 22.2.2021 – The extent to which this world is making fools of us seems to be practically just as much as possible.
– 26.2.2021 – The more wonderful or wondrous or heartbreaking or thrilling a thing seems to us, - or attractive or exciting or deeply moving, - the more saddening may be the situation reflecting our stupidity and deep ignorance being thrilled within delusion by meaningless things on the path to self knowledge.
– 28.2.2021 – It seems believing our lives here on Earth are real is one of the most stupid things possible.
– 6.3.2021 – A perfect mirror does not display any brilliance.
– 1.1.2022 – That which is known as “feminism” seems to prove to what extent this world is a men’s world, - women are accordingly judging themselves practically by masculine measures. Equality is viewed as relating to the Yang – manly – features, while meanwhile rather thoughtlessly the Yin – womanly – aspects are not generally viewed as anything to be aspired or sought after. Even relating to features of women being sexually attractive is what is emphasized even to a poisonous measure rather than any other trait of a less conspicuous nature. Wisdom has been absent from contemporary thought as a thing of course as a routine already, - plus standards of society change through norms fitting an action movie designed to make the maximum profit off the masses of suckers who will watch it, - and so the shallowness of intellectuals lives side by side with the simple mindedness of modern men in many cases, - while the utmost superficiality may be viewed as advanced thinking and consideration and life in a poster satisfies the aspirations of those who will accept rules becoming common arising from nowhere.
– 31.1.2022 – Uchiyama Roshi says enlightenment is impossible. He says it cannot take place and yet it does. – It seems to me the other way around. The only possible state is that of the reality. Our state here – as it appears, - is impossible. – Uchiyama Roshi says [though] delusion is delusion, - the fact it exists as delusion is a fact. – It seems to me even its existence as such is impossible – it doesn’t make any sense. – Perhaps this is why Master Gensa (Xuansha Shibei) says “Bodhidharma did not come to the Eastern Lands; the Second Patriarch did not go to the Western Heavens”. (Shobogenzo Ikka-no-myoju, Shobogenzo Gyoji, Shobogenzo Hensan) In the same way I am not writing this. – Wtf.
– 12.3.2022 – There is a state beyond happiness where you are ultimately light and your functioning is smooth and faultless.
– 3.3.2023 – Had general ideas we know of today of relativity theory or quantum theory been presented to physicists in earlier time when physics in general was limited to Newtonian ideas, such ideas in general would have gained no serious attention. – The situation relating to spiritual facts known to some engaged in the field, today, - is similar.
– 20-22.10.2024 – It seems the initial sign of the birth of wisdom in an individual is the ability to experience an artistic experience. - One can not be wise while being altogether devoid of this. - It is not possible for wisdom to appear without any sprouting of being able to notice real existence of an artistic essence beyond the superficial aesthetic level which does not require fundamentally any meaningful personality. It is not that one has to be of the most serious understanding of art and meaningful expression or anything close to it but some natural notion would inevitably predict or herald the possibility of acquiring depth and true ability of observing thing unlike the shallow and rough eyes of an immature person of insignificant connection with things.
– 20.1.2025 – The blindness of the heart in a certain sense is much worse than the blindness of the eyes.
– 25.1.2025 – Morality and sincerity can only live in accord relating to the truth that everything is one. – Unaware of the fact, one may not be able to justify morality, and theories propagating selfishness might appear to be more reasonable. – Also, one’s morality itself may lack sincerity, and however one may wish to take the side of what he or she would practically view as “good”, - still the foundation of one’s mentality will not be bearing sufficient clarity. – The root of things will remain unclear and subsequent growth will not naturally follow, even if either way obviously not at all with any great speed.
– 17.2.2025 – The truth is forever below you, behind you, - never above you or in front of you. – Before your eyes there is only delusion. – Above are its heights. You are here. This place does not exist either because you made up space itself. There is nothing behind you but nothing in front of you either, - the only way seems to be of letting go.