– There is lots of bullshit in Buddhism: Some say that it is a non spiritual religion, some say that Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva is a female, and some advocate Buddhism for homosexuals, lesbians and their LHTB community. (Just to make clear, - I don’t mean there is a fault with any of them individually choosing Buddhism, - but creating a form of Buddhism (or any other religion) which is supposed to adopt itself to their wrongness of tendencies, seems very clearly to tell of the absence of ability or knowledge as for the one (or many) creating it)
– If the Pope thinks the message of Christ ought to be no longer brought to the Jewish people or that unlike what the Gospels tell the Jews have no responsibility for his crucifixion and death than he might better be looking for a different occupation.
– 3.2.2019 – Jesus referred to the leaders of Judaism at his time as “blind managers”. Nothing has changed since, - no apparent wisdom or understanding has been acquired by their subsequent continuers of lead of this religion, - rather those so referred to are considered a corner stone never to be doubted, - but still in Christianity the attitude would be today as if the contemporary leaders of Judaism are reasonable people who could be related to as appropriate spiritual guides to their audience of believers. This may be in accord with another thing Jesus said: “– ... – then I was to say to them I never knew you, - away from me, - you labourers of wrong”. ((Matthew 7:23) See also Luke 13:22-30)
– 11.5.2019 – The secular has lots of ridiculous standards. Many, particularly women, some of those known as “feminists”, - deny the differences between men and women. As for an undeniable standard rooted in the field of reality independent of contemporary-materialistic-norms it could be said that the number of women attaining to the enlightenment viewed as the end of the spiritual path is never close to the number of men arriving at the same destination. – I do not refer to what it might imply or mean but the rate may be 10:1 or not even that. Those who know the meaning and value of the phenomenon mentioned will inevitably understand the depth of the significance here.
– 19.5.2019 – It seems throughout the life of Jesus no one of those taught by him was concerned with the question of what is his father in Heaven.
– 21.5.2019 – I don’t know if this is common elsewhere or widely around the world but in Israel it is commonly said that man is “the crown of creation”. Judging by the deep ignorance in which humans live – particularly in this era, - and by the miserable abilities of what is referred to as “karmic consciousness” or “thinking of the flesh”, (as the expression Kalo uses) and also taking into consideration the way the-manner-of-life on this planet would seem to more reasonable beings in other worlds, - (which are also of course part of creation) this saying does practically seem ridiculous in a way worth mentioning here.
– (Added to the last) The great majority of humanity are like blind moles making their way digging here and there following rigid manners of thought completely unaware to what real life and reasonable consideration may be.
– 23.5.2019 – Education is a thing which seems to have become practically lost these days with the integral neglection of the spirit (and religion) following the materialistic views so common everywhere. – Even the hope for planting real simple values is many times lost in advance. Though materialistic sciences are altogether blind to the fact the spirit corresponds to the core of the human-mind, - when lost, when no longer sought after, when its value is blinded to, - materialistic intellectual replacements are unable to substitute what has previously been the tool for creation of real values within the being of man and woman. There is a difference between shallow ideas only residing in the head and between actual understanding deepened into one’s being in an irreversible way.
– There is practically no way the secular could match the spirit.
– The most important or essential point in the field of psychology is the distinction between the soul and the spirit. Or, - you might say, between the corresponding parts of the mind. The contemporary “science” referred to attempting to deal with the issue of the mind and its processes generally denying the existence of the soul and the spirit has not, - as it seems, - the slightest notion of the necessary observation related to. – Of course true understanding of the issues and matters involved would include it even if the occult phenomena is denied or overlooked. There is a difference between the mental processes (of the persons intending to investigate the matter) in case they are just intellectual and off actual close relation to the reality in question and in case they are of real observation arising from actual capabilities (some of course may have and others not) inherent in one’s being which the intellectual would fail to observe.
– 2.6.2019 – The way psychiatry would be viewed in the future, - contemporary psychiatry in a sufficiently distant future, - will be quite similar to the way we view quacks belonging to primitive cultures today. – The great abundance of professional terms only familiar to those engaged with the issue, plus the situation in which intellectual ideas are accepted by students of the field without sufficient criticism based on one’s own reasonable judgment, - lead to the possibility of the great ridiculousness in which the study of this subject today is held and conducted.
– 9.6.2019 – At a place where “the show must go on” the truth is never guarantied.
– 19.4.2020 – A person who is truly awake ought to be able to maintain consistent thought in his dreams as well.
– 23.5.2020 – Until you are there whatever you say is not it and when you are there is no need to say anything.
– 24.5.2020 – If some “God” creates a world where the beings created are in constant need of “grace” this speaks very poorly of this creator.
– The view of grace is forever incomplete.
– The name of Jesus, in the original Hebrew, - “Yeshua”, - is rooted in the idea of salvation. The idea of salvation is rooted in self pity. I don’t know to what extent this might correlate with what has been known as the first of the “four noble truths” presented by Gautama Buddha in his first public talk.
– Before you ask what is the nature of thought you need to ask what is the nature of knowledge. Before you ask what is the nature of knowledge you need to ask what is the nature of mind. – There are the words of Tendō Nyojō – (Tiantong Rujing) “a bottle gourd vine entwines with a bottle gourd”, - there seems to be apparently something interacting with itself, - but the existence of a self consciousness or the separation into an idealistic part and an acting part or the inner separation into input, processing and output are superfluous and in a way unreal, - while still this something is capable of learning – that is extending its capabilities – whatever they are.
– 2.6.2020 – It seems it could be said people in the west generally don’t know what sincerity is.
– ? – (2020) Seeking happiness is true contamination. It is untruthfulness manifested.
– 20.8.2020 – the thought has crossed my mind of how could nonexistence be or take place? I mean if there is a single thought, any mental factor, anything, - anything being in any way aware of this nonexistence, - than it does exist – obviously. The thing is the reality is so refined there is no difference between existence and nonexistence. – Ultimately refined, free of any artificial or superfluous addition or extra complexity forming as if an extra layer surrounding the original thing.
– 23.9.2020 – People say man – the human being, - is the lord of creation. Many are stupid enough to believe that, though it is still in a way true, - even a small flea is the lord of creation. But this human being, - whom educated fools believe to be as I just said, - votes for Donald Trump. (And it doesn’t matter that much for this issue who wins the elections, - anyway and either way we know there would be about 50% who vote for him, that’s like about 50% drinking salted sea water instead of drinking water, - it tells you what humanity’s like) Those intellectual fools (who are able to see how bad Trump is, which is of course no great thing) would make all possible excuses as to avoid seeing the truth, - this is another facet of the miserability of this said lord, but still not all are fools, otherwise who could see their foolishness?
– 26.9.2020 – The delusion people delude themselves that psychiatrists and psychologists actually have true understanding of the field they engage in can be quite troublesome. In the future, quite clearly, - when true understanding of the relevant matters will become acquired by humanity as a whole, - these “professionals” will be viewed very similarly to quacks claiming various abilities in primitive tribes in Africa.
– – Those accomplished in the spirit, to some extent, - are often able to see the ridiculousness in these claimed “scientific” paths. – Obviously, - gaining some experience over a considerable number of years – statistically – some knowledge can be got, - but the tools may be compared to those of a carpenter while attempting to deal with electric or gasoline powered engines. – Also the belief all human functions are merely an outcome of physical processes in the physical body is no doubt hazardous and as rough as the work of a butcher cutting meat in his shop.
– 3.10.2020 – Contemporary science, to a certain extent, - is blocking the advance of humanity rather than contributing to it. That is not to say discoveries are necessarily untrue, - though some views may be ridiculously wrong, - but that the focus may be subsequently turned all the wrong way, - while views that are not commonly materialistic may or would be considered (and it is practically very much so) not even worthy of examination. (I mean the response to relating to such an issue would be “wtf are you talking about” and the attitude would be it is not worthy of serious discussion in the first place)
On Jan 31st 2019 there was a fourth issue not here, either I deleted it or did not write, - and I don’t remember what it was.
The Quote on February 2nd 2019 was added recently after originally I just left the quotation marks empty, (and forgot about it) and the reference from May 11 of the same year was somewhat corrected due to a mistake in English.
Where marked “?” I wrote it on paper (I think June 2020) and later did not remember the exact date on which I did.
Where marked “?” I wrote it on paper (I think June 2020) and later did not remember the exact date on which I did.