I’d say in mathematics there are fundamentally three or four fundamental forms or structures.
[- We could say three. - The fourth would questionably be relevant for it.]
- Or perhaps I should say in geometry. - But it hardly seems to matter. - To me.
The first is the [single] point. - That would correspond to materialism.
- I am not looking for a definition, [for a single point] and I doubt whether one could be given or is necessary.
The second is the [- infinite, - i.e.] straight line.
Seeing it as reaching the infinite and piercing through it, - (- which is the way it is usually viewed in modern mathematics, - fwiw) would mean it is actually the same as a circle of an infinite radius. - For it is a closed line the convexity of never changes. [- That is to say - if you see it as able to connect to itself through the infinite. - The view is not as if there is a different infinite at each direction you might trod in, - but as if whichever direction you move in there is the same single one [point at the] infinite you encounter, - and cross - following this view - returning from the opposite side. [- i.e. - in the same direction]]
- Though again, - according to the common view - it does have any point you could call its center.[- * -]
That would correspond to idealism.
- That is to say the point would be a geometrical symbol of materialism, - expressing its portion of the spirit in that way; - and the straight line would - in the same way - be an expression of idealism.
The third one would be the graphical description of the function ex - in the mathematical system or structure known as the real quaternions.
- The real quaternions [- often just referred to as “the quaternions”, - as far as I can remember] form a four dimensional space.
Therefore the form regarded would be an eight dimensional form.
- Therefore, - of course - it can not be imagined. - Not in any way that I could manage to imagine, - at least. - And quite certainly not by very very nearly the whole of humanity.
- What I am about to say - as you might easily predict or expect - is that it corresponds to realism.
Still it might be somewhat meaningless if you haven’t got the faintest idea of what it looks like.
- Still - I will not try to describe.
Its form in the [single dimensional] real field may be quite well known. - However, - on the other dimensions of the quaternion space it might be quite different.
- One who could contribute a link on the comments section where partial views of it could be visualized it might be welcome. - I suppose a software by which 3, - or even 4, - dimensional cuts of it could be displayed could be easily fashioned - but I haven’t come across any such thing that seemed worthy of posting in my view.
I do not know what its value for mathematics would or might be, - and I don’t wish to guess because if I’m wrong it might lead some to assume I was wrong altogether.
The fourth would not be very significant for mathematics, - it is beyond the field of mathematics, - it seems: - It would be just the whole universe as it is. - Simple and dry. - Beyond the sphere of all ideas and the embodiment and inherence of them all. - Not conforming to expectations, but in a way in full accord with them all.
So far as for that. I suspect that different parts of the exponential function (ex - the third form I mentioned, - the eight dimensional one) might correspond to different parts of realistic philosophy, - but I could say nothing about that.
I can not rationally justify my idea. - Not in its entirety at least. Not for now anyway.
I rely mainly on an inner conviction. - But I believe some of the readers can - and will - grasp my notion and share my confidence.
- Even at the absence of an explicit illustration.
- Still - one other thing: -
- Christianity has its cross. - This is known to all. - Islam has its crescent moon. - Judaism - the Star of David. - Hindu might have its Aum symbol.
- But as far as I recall - from-I-can’t-remember-how-long-ago, - Buddhism did not have a sign or a symbol. - It seems the wheel used today to indicate Buddhism is rather a recent idea, - probably chosen artificially as to liken it to other religions; - perhaps seeing it as necessary - either in a trivial or in a somewhat essential way.
- However - what I want to point here - is - that the third form or shape I related to earlier - is the true [- i.e.: - natural -] sign of Buddhism.
Of course it cannot be drawn on a two dimensional paper. Or presented on a computer screen.
- I also suspect the eight dimensions of this form could be related to the eight lanes of the eight fold path.
- Again - I don’t know how. - Though it seems the four dimensions of the quaternions could easily fit “the four world views”, - or the four dimensions of the world we live in.
So far,
[- * -] - If you observe the way a circle is usually (chosen to be) “defined”, - as the set of points at an equal distance from a certain one single point, - and if you then choose to examine what would a circle of an infinite radius than be - then for each-point-which-does-not-lie-at-the-infinite (as its center) it would give the point at the infinite exclusively itself alone, - which might still make some sense; - (- though than you would get a circle every-point-in-the-interior-of- which is a center of - a circle with an infinite number of centers - each qualifying for your chosen “definition”) but if we are still to ask what would a circle of an infinite radius be if its center is at the infinite, - than it would follow that such a circle would constitute of all other points in the plain: - the whole of the plain minus the point at the infinite which is said to be its center.
- Given that this is hardly what we would expect or want a circle to be, - it may certainly be that the common definition is faulted and does not reflect the correct and natural view.
On the 2nd of this month I was in Tel Aviv University and happened to meet a person by the name of Eilon (I don’t remember the family name) who is a graduate student of math in the field of set theory. We had a short conversation about the subject and following some subsequent thoughts I came to be fully convinced that the axiom advocating the existence of an infinite set is not acceptable. – The Russell paradox too is a consequence of assuming the possibility of an infinite number of elements constructing a set. – I might still have some relevant questions but it is inevitable that in actuality the root of all troublesome issues occurring quite strangely in the field of this theory is the attempt of inserting the infinite into analyzable human thought in the field of math. I generally believe the true and correct line-of-thought in set-theory would lead to the unequivocal conclusion that there is (absolutely) no room for non-constructive mathematics. What the apparent contradictions very-roughly-attempted-to-be-solved are telling us is that there is no infinite set to be accepted in mathematics. – Things – I believe – are not that difficult to see should one not be too attached to a mathematical-theory of which very little – apparently, - will be left, or to the emotional wish to have the infinite (should one exist at all) accessible and usable at hand within mathematical research. I am saying all is wrong, fundamentally, - and as it seems (as I said not all is yet clear) we could not speak of the idea of an infinite number in practicality. The explosion created by the subsequent construction of power-sets is demonstrating this impossibility when taken to its entirety.
Obviously most would find the idea ridiculous, but they would say the same of Einstein's relativity theory's outcomes before it had been published. - Relating to set theory it seems the wrongness is in actually assuming there is one constant universe independent of us investigating it related to as “U”. (Or subsequently as “V”) I would say there is not. - The structure of perception due to which all mathematical structures are able to appear relates our mind. - This universe within our mind changes continually through every point in time. Plus of course every person (or being) has its own. - So a fundamental assumption that if we are dealing with natural numbers for example there must be a set of them all is incorrect. - There is not. - Our mind is limited in dealing with such things. - We do not have an infinite collection of numbers or whichever objects in our imagination or anywhere else. - You might say there is as if a sphere or a surrounding for every person which is as if circled around one in some way (not in the form of a circle) where this person's conception lies while it is of course not unlimited. As I said it ever changes, - the moment you think for example of the number 16,752,437 it will be there, - it does not mean it was there in the previous moment. - If we relate to Cantor's theorem, - the power set of a set x is not there necessarily just at the same time the set x is. - It only appears if you think of it. - So it does not lead to a contradiction. - Also you do not have some world or universe you are supposed to be working in which you can not say about which that it exists in itself. But I don't know about this. - However, - you never come to an infinite set so there is no question whether it would have a power set. Would it be intuitive to assume or think there would be a power set of natural numbers? (- Were we to choose to assume there would be at first a set of those, that is, of course) This would mean, as it seems, - that an infinite process can come to an end, - would it not? - But mathematicians today just don't care about such things in general. - One might ask what happens over an unlimited period of time, - but first we must ask would there be such? The human species will surly not last for ever, - whichever reason you might like to pick for the issue. - Else? - Is time really infinite? - Most would hardly be able to think of any other possibility. But there may be. - I won't get into this here. But even if you wish to assume the observation of the process over an infinite period of time, - it does not mean you will get anything beyond a finite. A union of an infinite number of sets would not necessarily be infinite. - It's obvious. - Still before that someone may ask about the infinity of time itself, or of space itself therefore. - I will not get into this here, - but still I will mention that according to spiritual views many materialistic people will find ridiculous all that seems to surround us and be perceived by our senses (whichever senses) is nothing but a reflection within the mind, - not of any independent true existence apart from it, - so the picture of the universe too is limited in the same way our conception in itself is. - Further - the restriction on the the conception itself, - on the very most fundamental principles according to which our mind is able to function, - is prior to the limitation on the picture appearing therein, - that is to say what you might imagine to be space and matter.
So far.
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