I can understand people mentioned. I quite dislike being emotional. - But again this is not what this is about here.
Also, - if you ask - are compassion and love the same or different? - What would be the answer? - I think in order to say it is necessary that the person asking would clarify his or her intention. - I don't think it can be answered just like that. - You would get contradicting answers I think. - It doesn't seem you could get it off a dictionary. - One has to tell what does he or she has in mind or what lies in the background of the question in order to achieve a real clarification. To get an actual worthwhile idea relating to the question. - Fwiw.
- But still again this is not what I was coming to write about here.
- If you look at animals, - they are utterly without any ability of consideration. - Mothers can care about their offsprings, - fathers can possibly too, - but else than that care is altogether absent when relating to organisms lower than man here on our known planet on the physical plain. - It is quite obviously worse in a way with insects or generally all of the invertebrates. - But this is not necessary for us at first at least, - in observing what I am relating to.
if you look at a dog or a cat, - you can see how incapable it is of sharing the pain or the joy of another. - If there would be another dog or cat or human deeply suffering next to it you would see no reaction as with a human being. I am not relating even to the choice of whether or not to offer any assistance, - I am relating to the initial mental reaction you would find in people - in human beings, - quite unrelated to their moral views or tendencies. - A human would in the most natural way have a natural tendency reacting to the seen mental state of another person or animal. - Not necessarily an insect or something of the sort but put that aside. - Us humans shall in the most natural manner at first at least experience pain at the view of the deep suffering before our very eyes of another, - and naturally too a positive feeling at another's joy, or as well some sort of a favourable incident. - Exceptions are irrelevant here. One might rejoice at the fall of an enemy. Put this aside. It will not affect the outcome.
The point is that if you take the trouble of observing a dog or a cat or any other animal in relation to things here, - see for yourself the described phenomenon, - then due to the natural and immediate contrast with general human behaviour as referred to here, - you would be able to tell or notice what compassion is. - It is the most natural thing.
- By this way as I have written here I believe one can see and notice for one's self what is meant by “compassion”. - It is this idea and line of thought I noticed which have lead me to write this post. What appears earlier are a kind of remarks. - If you will observe an invertebrate (it is not necessary to actually find one, - you can just watch on YouTube, or some similar site) such as an octopus, assuming you are a sensitive person, - you might notice some perhaps even shocking existing mentality revealing inherent inconsiderateness of severe harsh characteristics, - but this is beyond the issue here, - and does not necessarily contribute to the revealing of the nature of compassion which is the purpose of things here.
- So far.
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