It seems to me if it has not been for the AIDS, the current views of the LGTB “community” could not have come to be. I mean the manner of life of these people, - or just of the homosexuals – or “gays” if you like, - as it was before the appearance of this disease, - was quite clearly not the most convenient ground for making the popular claims that their different tendencies are just as good as the normal ones.
– I am no expert on the issue, - but it seems the fact that continuous relations among the same couple – as in the heterosexual society – was not really a common phenomenon among the aforementioned before the appearance of the plague, - is no secret and was not earlier too. It seems it was the AIDS which forced them to change their habits, and perhaps their culture too. The attitude toward sex seems to have been different – at least for a considerable number of those, - at the time the AIDS broke through, - than the exhibited normality apparently presented today as a matter of course. – That is to say quite obviously now it can much more easily be said that there is no fault with the way they live, or with what they are.
– I have referred to the general issue before twice on the blog, once on a blog post and once on a blog page. – The common view prevailing today is one of the harshest phenomena to come across.
Without referring to its severity, - it is just about picking up just what is untrue, - and flagging it as if it was a supreme ideal. I cannot think of anywhere else where the stupidity of humanity is more clearly brought about even in a similar manner. And this is while contemporary society in general is may be said to be quite remote from wisdom in the first place; - unlike what some typical intellectuals would say of course. – Anyway, still, - I brought here a particular point which has crossed my mind.
So far.
– I am no expert on the issue, - but it seems the fact that continuous relations among the same couple – as in the heterosexual society – was not really a common phenomenon among the aforementioned before the appearance of the plague, - is no secret and was not earlier too. It seems it was the AIDS which forced them to change their habits, and perhaps their culture too. The attitude toward sex seems to have been different – at least for a considerable number of those, - at the time the AIDS broke through, - than the exhibited normality apparently presented today as a matter of course. – That is to say quite obviously now it can much more easily be said that there is no fault with the way they live, or with what they are.
– I have referred to the general issue before twice on the blog, once on a blog post and once on a blog page. – The common view prevailing today is one of the harshest phenomena to come across.
Without referring to its severity, - it is just about picking up just what is untrue, - and flagging it as if it was a supreme ideal. I cannot think of anywhere else where the stupidity of humanity is more clearly brought about even in a similar manner. And this is while contemporary society in general is may be said to be quite remote from wisdom in the first place; - unlike what some typical intellectuals would say of course. – Anyway, still, - I brought here a particular point which has crossed my mind.
So far.